
The company that invented the PRO HEAD was informally founded around 2008 when a group of golfers, retired and semi-retired professionals, and business men from the New Jersey shore, convened on a regular basis to play golf.


They loved golf, wanted to get better at the game and would travel the world to play. Ages ranged from 38 to 64, and handicaps ranged from single digit to the low twenties. Several were frequently buying and trying golf training aids to help lower their handicaps.

Bob Doyle, the original President, invented a full swing training aid which he called the PRO-HEAD® TRAINER. Bob struggled with golf for most of his golfing and business careers. After training with his invention, he broke 80 for the first time in his life at age 69 and has done so several times since. He lowered his handicap by eight strokes. Others in our group also made dramatic improvements to their games by using the PRO-HEAD® TRAINER.

They decided to form a company, primarily to bring the PRO-HEAD® TRAINER and other proven training aids to the golfing public.

Dave Tutelman accepted the position as VP of Engineering.  Dave is an avid golfer and student of the game.  He has written numerous articles and white papers about golf and he served as a consultant to TrueTemper and Mercury golf shaft companies.

The mission of the company was to help golfers of all ages, male and female, enhance their skill levels and gain more enjoyment from the game. They knew how frustrating the game of golf can be and dedicated to help golfers improve their swings and lower their scores. Such will also reduce or eliminate some of that frustration.  

 Members of the original group were chosen to serve on the Board of Directors. Two golf professionals were added to the Board to add credibility to any of the products, instruction, or information published.

The original PRO-HEAD® TRAINER was introduced at the 2011 PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando, FL.  It met with immediate success and was fully endorsed by Golf Channel’s Martin Hall and 2009 PGA National Teacher of the Year.

Utilizing input from users, customers, professionals, teachers and instructors, they redesigned the original unit and introduced the PRO-HEAD® 2 TRAINER (PH2T) in December, 2016. It was exhibited at the 2017 PGA Show in Orlando, FL.  It is much smaller, lighter, more versatile and more user friendly.  Lou Guzzi, 2013 National Teacher of the Year, has fully endorsed the new and improved PRO-HEAD® 2 TRAINER.